Leading electricity provider in Germany with 650+ employees and being subsidiary of EnBW

Project Type
Establishment, administration, management and handover of an IT Dev Hub Outsourcing Center (nearshore)
2023 to 2024

Role of Homo Digitalis

  • IT Strategy Consultant & Project Lead


SENEC, a leading company in the field of renewable energy and storage systems, faced the challenge of expanding its IT infrastructure to meet increasing demands. A complete in-house expansion in Germany would have meant high costs and complexity. Therefore, SENEC was looking for a flexible and cost-efficient alternative to scale its IT capacity while accelerating product development.


  • To set up a nearshore IT developer hub to provide flexible, scalable IT resources.
  • Cost savings: Reduction of IT costs through the use of nearshore talent.
  • Flexibility: Adaptation of team size to current project requirements.
  • Efficiency: Optimization of the IT strategy and improvement of time-to-market through accelerated development processes.
  • Quality: Ensuring high quality standards and integration into existing SENEC processes.

Solution & implementation

  • Establishment of the nearshore center: Strategic selection of locations in Europe in order to optimally take into account the availability of qualified IT specialists and regulatory requirements.
  • Collaboration with IT partners: As a neutral consultant, Homo Digitalis supported the rapid establishment of the IT hub in collaboration with a strong IT partner, minimizing risks and accelerating product development.
  • Integration into SENEC structures: Harmonization of processes and close collaboration with the procurement, CTO, CIO, CFO and legal departments, especially in contract management.
  • Team building and local partnerships: Recruiting and building a strong team to support SENEC in the areas of software development, IT support and quality assurance. Focus on compliance with IT security standards, data protection requirements and compliance regulations.
  • Cultural exchange: Organization of workshops between the teams in Croatia, Poland and Germany to promote cooperation and cultural understanding.
  • PMO processes and KPI-based reporting: Introduction of standardized PMO processes and development of a KPI-based reporting system for C-level management to improve transparency and control of the project.


Cost savings: SENEC was able to achieve significant savings through the nearshore hub compared to a pure in-house solution.‍
Scalability: Flexible scaling up and down of IT capacities based on the respective project requirements.‍
Productivity: Accelerated time-to-market through optimized development processes and increased availability of resources.‍
Cultural synergies: Strengthened collaboration and team dynamics between the teams in the different countries.‍
Satisfied customers: Positive feedback, such as from Sven Richter, Head of IT & Development at SENEC:
“His strategic vision and hands-on approach enabled significant improvements and cost efficiencies in our organization. He ensured that all processes interlocked smoothly and significantly optimized our operational processes.”

The establishment and integration of the nearshore IT developer hub for SENEC proved to be a strategically well thought-out measure that combined cost efficiency with flexibility and quality. Homo Digitalis thus set a best-practice example for the successful implementation of complex IT strategies that will serve as a model for future projects.